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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Family Ties

Growing up in a home centered upon Christ and Christian principles was one of the greatest blessings I could ever imagine.  I am the man I am today because of the rearing of my mother and father. 

Today's family is vastly different from the families of days gone by.  I understand generations change.  My generation was looked at by previous generations and frowned upon.  The very make up of the family has changed.  The Supreme Court is now deciding what a true "family" will be defined as.  We are seeing our society change its concept and ideas of family right before our very eyes. 

God has established a pattern for the home, He established it in the first three chapters of the book of Genesis and He never changed it.  Mankind changed it, we skewed and tainted what God created in perfection but He has always held to the same pattern. 

In our services for the next four months we will be talking about the family and the ties that bind our families together.  The one constant in our homes has to be the teaching of the Word of God with parents following the teachings of Gods word as well.  The reason we are loosing the next generation is because we, as parents, are sometimes one way on Sunday, and a completely different way the rest of the week.  Our children never see us pray, they never hear us read the Bible, they never see us praise God for what he has done.  They only see us mummer and complain and drudge through our week.  The problem could be summed up like this, unfortunatly, "Church is just something we DO, it is not who we ARE."  Christ is more concerned with me being like him than He is me just attending a service.   

As we enter into this week I want you to read with Rebecca and I as we study through these passages of scripture with our children. Let us all strengthen the Family Ties that God has given for us in His Word. 

Monday- Begin by spending time thanking God for what He has done.  Go around to each family member and have them write down things they are thankful for.  Post it in a predominate place in your home and look at it through the week.  Add to it as the days go by. 
Reading and Meditation: James 3

Tuesday- Begin by spending time talking about what God is working in your life areas of strength and weakness.  It may be difficult at first but see how the Lord opens your heart of your family.
Reading and Meditation: Proverbs 25:28

Wednesday- Mid week service at 7:00

Thursday-Friday - Camp meeting at Camp Victory.  Bring your family for a great time. 

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